Thursday, April 27, 2006

90% Disaster

Well, my first try at chocolate bon bons was not a huge success to say the least. It was a pain trying to get the chocolates out of the mold. This tells me that they were not tempered properly and/or did not set up long enough before I filled them in. I am truly bummed with the results, I keep trying to remind myself that it's "my first time." Here are the results: out of a 40 cavity capacity mold I was only able to retrieve 3 completed bon bons....LOL!!! The thing is, I am bummed about this but it also leaves room for hope(after all 3 did make it out alive).

It was a pricey experiment so, it probably will not happen again for a bit. But I do want to put in more work with my newly acquired mold. The process is not that hard: Temper chocolate, Line the molds with "shell" as thin as possible, Fill molds with filling of choice, then close the bottom of the "shell." BUT the key to all of this is the initial TEMPERING of the chocolate!!! That is one of the variables to attaining a good "shell." Enough of that, I'm off to drown myself in chocolate!

*Side note: the flavor was good and the fillings did set up appropriately, so along with my 3 recovered chocolates it was not a total failure.


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